napp-it SE Solaris/Illumos Edition
  • ohne Support frei nutzbar
  • kommerzielle Nutzung erlaubt
  • kein Speicherlimit
  • freier Download für End-User

napp-it cs client server
  • noncommercial home use

napp-it SE und cs
  • Individualsupport und Beratung
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Details: Featuresheet.pdf


napp-it cs with ZFS on *BSD
I have done tests with a Free BSD 14 ZFS server as a group member,
Othe BSD should work

 Free-BSD 14

- Install Free-BSD 14
- after installation, login as root
- install curl: pkg install curl
- install midnight commander: pkg install mc
- install wget for online setup: pkg install wget
- install smartmontools: pkg install smartmontools

If you want ssh access:

  edit /etc/ssh/sshd_conf (WinSCP or mc) with following settings
 - remove comment mark # and set:  PasswordAuthentication yes
 - remove comment mark # and set:  PermitRootLogin yes
save setting and reboot

read included readme.txt

upload csweb-gui to /var  (-> /var/csweb-gui)
and start backend services and/or webserver gui

After first download add an auth string to /var/csweb-gui/cfg/server.auth (WinSCP)
Use the same auth string in your memberfile in the csweb-gui client
Server auth (like all keys in napp-it cs) must be hex values 0-9a-f as they can be generated safely from an easy to remember short pw.

Web-gui management

You can now manage your Free-BSD ZFS server remotely from any browser.
(Start web-gui with Apache webserver on Windows or your OS)

napp-it 29.01.2025