  • sofort einsetzbarer und komfortabler ZFS Storage-Server für iSCSI/FC, NFS und SMB
  • Active Directory Support mit Snaps als Vorherige Version
  • komfortable Web-GUI
  • alle Funktionen für ein fortschrittliches NAS/SAN
  • kommerzielle Nutzung erlaubt
  • kein Speicherlimit
  • freier Download für End-User

  • Individualsupport und Beratung
  • Bugfix/ Updates auf neueste Versionen oder Fehlerbehebungen
  • Extensions wie komfortables ACL Management, Disk und Echtzeitmonitoring oder Remote Replikation
  • Appliance Diskmap, Security und Tuning (Pro complete)
  • Redistribution/Bundling/ Installation im Kundenauftrag optional
Fordern Sie ein Angebot an.
Details: Featuresheet.pdf


napp-it cs with SmartOS
Current beta  works with Linux as member
(I am using ProxMox but any Linux, any appliance or NAS may work).
Perl is required, smartmontools should be installed

- download napp-it cs on a Windows machine (folder /xampp with /xampp/napp-it)
- start napp-it cs (start /xampp/napp-it/data/start_zfs-gui_as_admin.bat) as admin
- use a browser with address http(s)://localhost to manage your servers
  for remote management use http(s)://ip and open Windows firewall for Apache.

"Install" server app (= a simple copy)
Serversoftware is on your napp-it cs in /xampp/napp-it/data/cs_server
- copy folder c:/xampp/napp-it/data/cs_server to any location of your ZFS server
 can be a systemfolder like /var/web-gui but /desktop or tank/data is also possible
- insert an auth string to /path/cs_server/server.auth
- edit /cs_server/ (timeout or allowed_ip, optional)
- start socketserver via: sudo perl /path_to/cs_sever/ (Console)

for debugging, you can use a Putty remote console but that ends server script when you logout

on napp-it cs on Windows
Add your server to the servergroup (menue Extensions > Servergroup)
This creates a file /xampp/napp-it/_log/group/hostname~ip.txt
File content must be the same auth string as in above server.auth

In the main menu you can switch to any memberserver of napp-it cs
Hostname enty and all menues reflect settings on this target server.

napp-it 22.04.2024