napp-it SE Solaris/Illumos Edition
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napp-it cs client server

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Details: Featuresheet.pdf
Tty is a Perl module, needed for interactive actions via Expect ex user management, AD join or encryption.
The needed module depends on Perl and is part of a napp-it distribution. If you use a newer or different Perl (check via perl -v), you need a newer Tty binary
(use putty, login as root and copy/paste commands with a mouse right-click, on questions use defaults) A working gcc compiler ex gcc-10 is required
perl -MCPAN -e shell notest install IO::Tty exit;
The result are new Tty binaries for your Perl release in /root/.cpan If you need TTy for your own or special Perl ex Perl v 5.39 on Tty errors in menu users:
1. Create /var/web-gui/data/tools/omnios/perl_5.39/ Copy content of /var/web-gui/data/tools/omnios/perl_5.36/ into this folder
2. Update files in /var/web-gui/data/tools/omnios/perl_5.39/ with newer ones from /root/.cpan
You can use find to search ex find /root | grep Tty.so